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Jurnal Komunikasi Islam
ISSN : 20086314     EISSN : 26555212     DOI :
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam is the flagship journal, published biannually in June and December, of Islamic Communication and Broadcast Department, Dakwah and Communication Faculty, Islamic State University of Sunan Ampel (UINSA) Surabaya in collaboration with Indonesian Professional Dakwah Association (APDI). Jurnal Komunikasi Islam provides academic articles to the professional needs of both Islamic communication scholars and practitioners. The journal helps encourage in disseminating empirical and theoretical research findings, developing theory, and introducing new concepts related to Islamic oration and sermon, Islamic Journalism, mediated-dakwah and religious film, Islamic communication-related studies to its readership.
Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December" : 9 Documents clear
Uses and Effects of Religious Programs among Yemeni Audiences Abdurahman M Al-Shami
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1182.623 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.179-225


Abstract: The study aims to contribute to the current under–standing of how audiences make use of religious programs broadcasted in both religious satellite channels (RSCs) and Arabic satellite channels. 210 respondents were surveyed to address the nature of exposure to RSCs and religious pro–grams, motives, and attitudes toward them. Utilizing uses and effect approach and Hall’s encoding and decoding model of media discourses, this study confirms a high expo–sure to RSCs among adult television viewers in Yemen. Of religious contents, Islamic lectures particularly represent the most watched program by respondents. It also states that emotional effects represent the prominent effects of religious programs uses followed by normative, and limited beha–vioral effects.Keywords: religious programs, uses and effects approach, Hall's encoding/decoding model, Yemeni audience.
Eksistensi Ruang Publik di Media Cetak: Studi Kasus Jawa Pos, Surya dan Surabaya Post Wahyu Kuncoro
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.189 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.226-249


Abstract: This article explores discussion on how the manager of Jawa Post, Surya, and Surabaya Post perceive the existence of public space in the reform era. Through in-depth interviews to the managers and editors of the newspaper, the study finds that there is a change in several aspects of how the public space is displayed in those newspapers. The changes are in the concept, format and material. The changes occurred are caused predominantly by economic considerations influenced by the impact of media industrialization. At the same time, the change occurred also causes degradation of the status and value of public space as it is no longer perceived as prestigious but in fact perceived as a “junk”.Keywords: public space, newspaper, the industrialization of media, editorial policy
Arus Baru Feminisme Islam Indonesia dalam Film Religi Lukman Hakim
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.831 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.250-267


Abstract: This paper deals with Islamic feminism within the Indonesian religious moving picture Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2 (KCB). Using semiotic approach, the study shows that the depiction of women’ lives in this film has a different way to the classical western film narrative structures which tend to explore women bodies as an object of masculine desire, as well as Indonesian religious (Islamic) films which commonly depict stereotypical portrayal of women as passive, inexpressive and dependent. Furthermore, this film can be considered as the representation of post-traditional Islam feminist, which seeks to deconstruct the ideology of the Javanese women through re-interpreting Islamic teachings in line with contemporary social realities and traditions.Keywords: religious film, woman representation, Islamic post-traditionalism, semiotics
Konstruksi Jender dalam Pertarungan Simbolik di Media Massa Itsna Syahadatud Dinurriyah
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.564 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.268-291


This article examines gender construction in a symbolic dispute in the mass-media that covers euphe–mism and form of censorship. Using critical discourse analysis and hermeneutic, the study concludes that euphe–mism style of male and female in mass media is perceived as a process of shaping and constructing the role patterns of the male and female which then externalized to be a culture. In order to avoid being seen as a violence, gender construction of male and female is done by a variety of styles; changing, neutrallizing the general meaning and defining definition differrently. The form of censorship used by the perpetrator of gender construction in order to maintain the domination is conducted by conceptualizing and reconceptualizing “honor moral” of male and female.Keywords: gender, symbolic struggle, mass media----------------------------------------------------------------------------Artikel ini membahas konstruksi jender dalam pertarungan simbolik di media massa yang meliputi ben–tuk eufimisasi dan sensorisasi. Dengan memakai analisis wacana kritis dan hermeneutika, studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa gaya eufimisasi laki-laki dan perempuan di media massa disikapi sebagai proses pembentukan peran laki-laki dan perempuan, sehingga tereksternalisasi menjadi suatu kaidah budaya. Agar tidak tampak sebagai suatu bentuk kekerasan, proses konstruksi jender laki-laki dan perem–puan dilakukan dengan menggunakan gaya penggantian, penetralisasian makna umum, dan pendefinisian distingtif. Bentuk sensorisasi yang digunakan pelaku konstruksi jen–der untuk mempertahankan dominasi ialah dengan kon–septualisasi dan rekonseptualisasi “moral kehormatan” laki-laki dan perempuan.Kata Kunci: jender, pertarungan simbolik, media massa
Pendidikan Komunikasi Islam di Tengah Konvergensi Media Ana Nadhya Abrar
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.737 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.292-301


This paper will exlore how Islamic universities take advantages from the dynamics of the mass media that undertake the media convergence due to the demands of information technology and communications develop–ment. As a conclusion, the paper argues that Departements of Communication or Islamic Communication and Broad–cast need to pay more attention to the technical opera–tions orientation of thelearning system. This, at the end, will also offer great employment opportunities for the graduates as well as the propagation of Islam.Keywords: communication education, technical orien–tation, media convergence, online journalism------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tulisan ini mengulas bagaimana perguruan tinggi Islam memanfaatkan peluang dari dinamika media massa yang sudah melakukan konvergensi akibat tuntutan kema–juan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Artikel ini ber–pendapat bahwa jurusan ilmu komunikasi atau komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam perlu lebih memperhatikan orientasi operasi teknis dalam sistem pembelajarannya, yang menawarkan peluang besar bagi lapangan kerja sekaligus dakwah Islam.Kata Kunci: pendidikan komunikasi, orientasi teknis, konvergensi media, jurnalisme online.
Mengembangkan Radio Komunitas Pesantren Anwari Anwari
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.403 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.302-320


This article discusses the use of community radio as the base for scientific actualization along with actualization on culture and tradition of Pesantren. The author argues that the existence of Islamic boarding schools or pesantren that have positive traditions and uniqueness is without a doubt offer advantages to the development of the community radio. Different from profit-oriented radio, community radio of Pesantren that that involves community participation should offer broadcasting programs that expose activities and ideas related to Pesantren. Expectedly, through such pro–grams in the community radio, Islamic teaching will be well known, understood, internalized and at the end will be implemented in the daily lifeas a way of life withinsociety.Keywords: community radio, Islamic boarding school, Islamic teachings, tradition----------------------------------------------------------------------Artikel ini mendiskusikan pemanfaatan radio komunitas sebagai aktualisasi basis keilmuan, budaya dan tradisi pesantren. Penulis berargumen bahwa keberadaan pesantren yang memiliki tradisi positif dan kekhasan, ten–tunya menjadi keunggulan pesantren dalam pengembangan radio komunitas. Berbeda dengan radio yang berorientasi profit, radio komunitas pesantren yang melibatkan partisipasi komunitas harus membuat program-program siaran yang berisikan kegiatan-kegiatan dan gagasan-gagasan pesantren tentang ajaran Islam agar benar-benar diketahui, dipahami, dihayati dan selanjutnya diamalkan sebagai pedoman hidup masyarakat.Kata Kunci: radio komunitas, pesantren, ajaran Islam, tradisi
Intervensi New Media dan Impersonalisasi Otoritas Keagamaan di Indonesia Mutohharun Jinan
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.188 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.321-348


The article discusses the impact of new media on the shift of religious authority in Indonesia. It argues that the development of new media (internet) has shifted the traditional religious authority to more impersonal media such as books, websites, blogs, and the like. Furthermore, progressiveness and openness of the new Media also have supported the acceleration on the so called “Ulama rejuve–nation”. This is due to the fact that, due to such shift (the religious power shifting), a person does not necessarily graduate from pesantren to be Muslim clerics or Ulama. In addition, the shift of religious authority also has contribu–ted to the loosening filter for the emergence of a wide variety religious intereptations that, to some extent, go uncontrolled without limitation.Keywords: new media, religious authority, impersonal media----------------------------------------------------------------------Artikel ini mendiskusikan dampak new media pada pergeseran otoritas keagamaan di Indonesia, dan berpendapat bahwa seiring perkembangan teknologi in–formasi, internet telah memudarkan otoritas keagamaan tradisional dan bergeser pada pada media impersonal, se–perti buku, website, blog, dan sejenisnya. Progresifitas dan keterbukaan new media juga mendorong percepatan pro–ses ”peremajaan ulama” yang tidak mensyaratkan bahwa ulama harus lulusan dari pesantren. Selain itu, intervensi new media memungkinkan percepatan merebaknya pema–haman ”liar” yang sangat berbeda dari arus mainstream. Arus pertumbuhan new media ini tentunya semakin memencarnya fatwa-fatwa keagamaan tanpa batas-batas yang jelas.Kata Kunci: new media, otoritas keagamaan, media impersonal
Kyai dan Prostitusi: Pendekatan Dakwah KH. Muhammad Khoiron Suaeb di Lokalisasi Kota Surabaya A. Sunarto AS
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.404 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.349-366


This article describes a propaganda approach of KH Muhammad Khoiron Suaeb against commercial sex workers in Surabaya, including supporting and inhibiting factors. By using the content analysis and live history, the study concludes that KH Muhammad Khoiron utilises mad'u center approach, namely an approach taking into account the economic circumstances, psychological, social, political circumstances and propaganda goals. Although KH Muhammad Khoiron received support from various communities and and government institutions, he also often faces some psychological barriers and physical terror.Keywords: clerics, prostitution, propagation approach, PSK----------------------------------------------------------------------Artikel ini menjelaskan pendekatan dakwah KH Muhammad Khoiron Suaeb terhadap pekerja seks komersial di lokalisasi prostitusi kota Surabaya, termasuk faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Dengan menggu–nakan metode analisis isi dan live history, studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa KH Muhammad Khoiron menggu–nakan pendekatan mad’u centre, yaitu sebuah pendekatan dengan mempertimbangkan situasi dan kondisi ekonomi, psikologi, sosial dan politik sasaran dakwah. Meski KH Muhammad Khoiron mendapat dukungan dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat dan pemerintah, namun tidak jarang ia juga mendapatkan hambatan psikologis dan fisik.Kata Kunci: kyai, prostitusi, pendekatan dakwah, PSK
Review Buku: Memahami Pola Komunikasi Melalui Pendekatan Etnografi Fatkhurohman Taufik
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.309 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jki.2013.3.2.367-371


Meski etnografi sudah diperkenalkan sejak 1960-an, namun dalam ilmu komunikasi, khususnya di Indonesia, studi etnografi memang masih menjadi “barang langka”. Boleh jadi, hal ini disebabkan oleh mispersepsi di kalangan akademisi bahwa etnografi adalah milik antropologi yang lebih mengarah pada kajian masyarakat desa atau pedalaman, sedangkan ilmu komunikasi lebih pada masyarakat urban.

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